I've been training for my spartan race at an Awesome gym in Wendell-Suples. Mitko Georgiev, a Bulgarian wrestler who trains the elite youth wrestlers in the Magic Valley, trained us using the Suples tools. The first month I went to this gym once a week. The second month I went 3 times a week. I loved using all the different tools, working my body in different ways, and feeling like an athlete again! The class ended up growing (We're missing 2 people in this picture) and it was fun to work out with such awesome ladies. My favorite things to do were dummy throws, slamming the ball, pulling the rope, the Hertz bands, somersaults over dummies, and starting to learn how to do head flips (I felt like just as I was getting it, our time was up). Mitko has to go back to Bulgaria, but hopefully when he comes back next year we can train with him some more.

It might sound silly, but Suples was an important part of my life at this point. I was struggling (looking back it was more than I realized) with post-par tum depression and having someone push and encourage me, and having a team with me really pulled me out of that. It's something I was trying to do on my own, but was not succeeding at. I appreciate good people- like those in this picture- who can lift you up and make you feel like you're an Amazing person. The workouts were SOO great, and prepared me for my spartan, but the experience saved me and brought me back to who I am. I'm really going to miss it!
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