Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Family Pictures 2013

I'm always hesitant when it comes to family pictures.  I feel like we're never "ready" for them... don't have the right clothes, not the right season, we're having a baby soon.. shouldn't we just wait for him too?  Then he needs to be old enough not to look like a rag doll.... (see?  It's a sickness I have).  This year I decided somewhat last minute just to do some.  We bought a few new clothing piece, but really just threw it all together quick!  
Stewart's cousin Angelina took our family pictures this year, and she did a FABULOUS job! The weather wasn't ideal (super windy, and by the end the kids were pretty cold), and Brogan- who fell asleep on the way to Shoshone, was not happy to wake up and take pictures. Regardless, Angelina managed to get some great pictures, and overall I was very impressed with how great these are!
We only got a couple "family" pictures, but with two squirmy kids we're pretty lucky to even get that :) 

 (Brogan was so unhappy- he had to be bribed with a doughnut... which didn't help)

 My Favorite!
 Addison was super cooperative and managed to get some super cute pictures!

LOVE these!  Wish we would've gotten a few more at the train station and on the tracks, but we'll get there next time for sure!

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